Fixing Queues with Watermarks

Queues are pretty common, but it’s not too often I encounter them in SQL Server. There’s a reason: SQL Server is bad at them. I’m not just talking about Service Borker – even native table implementations crumble under heavy load.

The standard pattern looks something like below – allowing multiple threads to pull a work item from the single queue table.

    (SELECT TOP (1) *
    FROM dbo.testq WITH (ROWLOCK, READPAST) --locking hints allow concurrency
OUTPUT Deleted.filler
INTO @d --table variable to store the stuff to process

I recently had the pleasure of investigating a procedure that pulled from a queue. Normally it was fast, but occasionally runtime would spike. The spooky thing was the query was using an ordered index scan that should only read one row, but during the spikes it was reading thousands.

Surely there’s a rational explanation…

…what to blame when your queue table has a bad hair day

Seriously. In the standard implementation of a queue table, dequeued records are deleted. But SQL Server typically doesn’t remove deleted rows immediately. Instead it marks them as ghost records (aka soft deletes), and exorcises them later, which is why a TOP(1) can easily read a lot more than one row.

So when the dequeue finds the next record to work on, it scans from the start of the index through ghosted rows to reach it. This isn’t a problem if there are only a couple, but sometimes servers can be so busy that Ghost Record Cleanup can’t keep up, or the ghost records are needed for versioning (which can easily happen if you use AGs). In those cases, the number of ghosts grows and grows, and you end up haunted by bad performance.

It was an intriguing problem, and I worked like a man possessed. I tested some bizarre approaches to shift rows around or force cleanup without blocking parallel dequeues, but what ended up succeeding was a watermark pattern. In a separate table, I store the minimum identity processed. Then, every dequeue can range scan starting from the watermark.

In the original implementation, doubling the number of rows to dequeue would quadruple the runtime. 30k rows took 2:50, while 60k rows took 10:01. For the watermark pattern however, 30k rows dequeued in :23, and 60k in :48. A clear win!

Here’s roughly what my implementation looked like. If you want to test for yourself, you can force ghost records (specifically version ghosts) by leaving a select transaction open with snapshot isolation enabled. I then spammed dequeues in while loops with the help of SQLQueryStresser.

First, the tables:


CREATE TABLE dbo.testq
    filler CHAR(400)

CREATE TABLE dbo.qtrack --watermark table

INSERT dbo.qtrack

INSERT dbo.testq (filler)
SELECT TOP (30000) 
    REPLICATE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(36), NEWID()), 11) --filler
FROM sys.all_columns a,
     sys.all_columns b;

Here’s the normal style of dequeue:

CREATE OR ALTER PROC dbo.dequeue_regular
        junk VARCHAR(500)
    AS (SELECT TOP (1)
        FROM dbo.testq WITH (ROWLOCK, READPAST)
        ORDER BY ID)
    OUTPUT Deleted.filler
    INTO @d;

And the dequeue using the watermark table:

CREATE OR ALTER PROC dbo.dequeue_watermark

        ID INT,
        junk VARCHAR(500)

    DECLARE @w INT = (SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM dbo.qtrack)

    AS (SELECT TOP (1)
        FROM dbo.testq WITH (ROWLOCK, READPAST)
        WHERE ID >= @w
        ORDER BY ID)
    OUTPUT Deleted.ID,
    INTO @d;


    IF @t % 100 = 0
        UPDATE dbo.qtrack
        SET ID = @t - 50;

There are several things to note with the way I designed this. Updating the watermark in every concurrent dequeue would be a Bad Idea, so I added the %100 such that roughly every hundredth would move the watermark. Also, I didn’t simply adjust the watermark to the processed value, but rather some buffer amount lower. To be super safe, we also set up an every 5min job to rebuild the table, correct the watermark, and log any issues.

And that’s it, a method to protect yourself from ghosts using SQL. It’s been working like a charm for us, and I hope it works for those of you who need it. Oh, and please let me know if you encounter data Bigfoot – I’d like to build a proc for him too.

A Doodled Intro to the Storage Engine

Paul Randal is a SQL Server legend with loads of informative articles. But when I was a baby DBA first reading Inside the Storage Engine, I got a little stuck. It took many passes before, eventually, finally, it clicked. I wish I had a lightweight introduction, so in the practice of paying it forward…

Here’s the starting point: sometimes it’s easier to manage lots of small things (say, the 1s and 0s of data) by grouping them into larger things. It’s the same reason you don’t buy rice by the grain.

For SQL Server, data is logically grouped into 8KB Pages, which are themselves grouped into Extents (an Extent being 8 continuous pages).

Within a file, you need to know where the data is, and that’s why there are mapping pages!

SQL Server uses a combination of maps to describe page usage. The GAM page shows which extents are available (thus it’s 0 for allocated, 1 for open/unused). The SGAM exists because pages in an extent might be used for multiple tables (a mixed extent), or reserved for a single table. The SGAM marks which mixed extents can have a page allocated.

Most mapping pages are data about the space within the file, and are repeated in fixed locations for the area they cover. For example, the GAM page, since it covers about 4GB, is also repeated every 4GB.

Mapping pages for tables, called IAMs, need different treatment however. Think about it – Microsoft doesn’t know ahead of time what tables you’ll have, and can’t have IAMs in fixed locations. So the IAMs contain info about what they cover and where the next IAM is, which allows them to be placed anywhere in the file.

And there’s still more to learn, like those pesky PFS pages! I’m not going to write about them though; Paul already did. So go! Continue your learning journey and profit from your hard-earned knowledge!

Finding a Spinlock Owner in a Dump

Oh. Lovely…

Well, this SQL Server has dumps. At least it stays regular. These happen to all be of the “Non-Yielding Scheduler” variety. Now for the fun task of dump diving.

The Journey Begins

Windbg makes starting relatively easy…load the dump:

Click the blue text:

And wait a long time for windbg to load symbol files. (You don’t actually have to wait if you’re just reading a blog. Kinda nice, huh?) When it finally finishes, behold, the offending stack of a dump:

Now, I may not be an expert, but sqlmin!Spinlock sounds like…a spinlock. This thread has been spinning for over a minute, never returning to a waiting state, because something else is holding the spinlock resource.

Thankfully, helpful friends alerted me to a blog that revealed the value of an acquired spinlock “is the Windows thread ID of the owner.” Meaning I might be able to find the cause.

A Different Approach

I already had a suspect thread – it’s the only other one active when I look at all of SQL Server’s threads.

Actually digging through hundreds of threads is annoying of course, and there’s a slightly faster way: !uniqstack, which removes duplicates. (Thanks to Bob Ward for sharing this trick in one of his presentations.)

If you run that, you’ll see a multitude of stacks with something like this at the top.

Those NtSignalAndWait calls are how SQL Server makes a worker wait. Those workers weren’t doing anything at the time the dump was taken.

However, there’s another thread that isn’t waiting:

I bet this one is holding the spinlock, but I have to prove it.


I need to find the memory address of the owner, and confirm which part of this info is the Windows thread. Let’s start by looking at the spinlocked thread.

Thankfully, the context is already 645, but if we needed to change it, we could use ~645s. Note that 645 is NOT the Windows thread id. Instead, we can look at the part that says Id: 1d60.3914. 1d60 is the process (sqlservr.exe) id, and 3914 is the thread id.

Let’s pull up the registers saved for the thread.

There are a load of them, but we want rip. The rip saves the instruction address this thread was working on at the time, which should be in the spinlock code, and the spinlock code is what we want to figure out where the memory address is.

Cool. Now we can copy that address into the disassembler.

Found it! The critical part of a spinlock has to be an atomic compare and swap – the lock cmpxchg. In this case it’s looking at the memory address in rdi and replacing the value with rsi (unless the lock is already held, which it is). Looking at our registers, rsi is indeed the Windows thread id, 3914. Now we just look at the memory address held in rdi.

d displays a memory address, dq means look at quad words, and L1 means show just one

And there we see the Windows thread id of the spinlock owner, 1280!

We can switch to that thread with ~~[1280]s…yup, it’s the same one I found before, the one that looks like it’s doing Redo operations. Victory!

Of course, when I bothered to actually read the documentation on cmpxchg, I learned that if a different value is in the target address (i.e., the spinlock is held by another thread), that value is placed in the eax register. Meaning I could have bypassed the whole exercise with r eax.


Nope, not a typo. The appropriate ending to a windbg post is indeed head trauma. Hope you enjoyed it.

Reasoning about Indexed View Locking

Edit: Paul has pointed out some significant gaps, so I will be reworking this post in the future. Locks are accurate for this particular scenario, but apparently there are other behaviors to consider.

Sometimes I hit a weird query where I wonder if, just maybe, an indexed view would help. Then a tingling sensation crawls down my spine and I run screaming in terror, because indexed views have a reputation. Ghastly deadlocks, phantom issues, and sinister edge cases haunt my DBA sensibilities, scaring me away.

But I prefer understanding – I prefer science. So I investigated and experimented, poked and prodded. Great thanks to Paul White and Erik Darling. Erik somewhere spelled out the key idea: one/many-to-many joins in the view cause serializable locks.

My setup script (full script at the bottom) creates two identical tables A and B of even numbers 2 to 10, with an indexed view AB that joins on A>B in a one-to-many relationship.

FROM dbo.A
JOIN dbo.B

A modification to a table here has three objects involved, with associated locks: the modified table, the joined table, and the view. First, the locks associated with the original modification are taken, then, the locks on the other table as the engine figures out which rows in the view are affected, and finally the rows in the view.

But that was hard to keep all in my head, so I drew it out. Here are the objects (keys only).

A is the “one” side of the one-to-many, so a modification there involves “normal” locks. But a modification to B, since it can be referenced by multiple rows of A, will involve the super special magical serializable locks.

Let’s look at an insert:

The row inserted into B has an X lock. Next, it will need to search through A to find matching rows of AB, meaning transient S locks in A.

The S locks are released after rows are read, but when the engine arrives at AB, we see range locks (and please note the order of S and Range locks can be interleaved, but I separate them for simplification).

But why range locks? Because the many-ness of the relationship means there are potentially conflicting inserts that wouldn’t be covered by just key locks.

Yikes, no wonder these produce deadlocks! Also, the engine is taking more range locks on the the view than it strictly needs to – probably to prevent complicated programming around edge cases.

Maybe it’s just how my brain works, but drawing these out is what finally made the locking strategy click for me. I don’t consider indexed view locking as mysterious anymore (yay science!), but I do find it monstrous. Be warned!


FROM sys.columns

FROM sys.columns

FROM dbo.A
JOIN dbo.B


Reverse Engineering the Key Lookup Cost Formula

During a recent investigation into Key Lookup costing, I discovered something interesting. Perhaps a warning is due: I’m a nerd, and things I find “interesting” may cure insomnia in others. But, dear reader, if you’re taking time to read a database blog, you just might be a nerd as well.

Examining a key lookup, they appear to have a cost of 0.0001581 CPU and 0.003125 IO. However, running the math over several experiments showed that the per lookup cost decreased with the number of lookups. But how much? What’s the formula?

Gathering Data

I didn’t know if I would need a complicated curve fitting approach, but I did know the more data points the better. I also knew that working through hundreds of queries and manually recording query buck costs would suck and I didn’t want to do it. But how could I automate pulling costs from execution plans of hundreds of queries? Oh. Right. It’s PowerShell time isn’t it?

Step 1 of course had to be SQL setup. I used a thousand-page table with one row per page.

filler CHAR(8000)
INDEX IX_testable_ptooie (ID2)

INSERT Testable
FROM sys.columns

Step 2 was getting the estimated execution plan using PowerShell. Step 3 was getting the PowerShell to actually work. Step 4 was using XPath inside a PowerShell script, so you can guess what steps 5-20 were debugging. Blech…XML schemas. Special thanks to Rob Farley and Jonathan Keyhias for sharing useful code.

function Get-SqlPlan([string] $query){
return ([xml](invoke-sqlcmd -MaxCharLength 9999999 -Server "." -Database "TestDB" -Query ";set showplan_xml on;`ngo`n $query;`ngo").Item(0));

$results = @{}

for ($i = 1; $i -le 1000; $i++) {

$query = "SELECT *
FROM Testable WITH(INDEX(IX_testable_ptooie))
WHERE ID2 <= $i

$t = Get-SqlPlan($query)
$ns = new-object 'System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager' $t.NameTable;		
$ns.AddNamespace("ns", "");
$results.add($i,$t.SelectNodes('//ns:RelOp[@LogicalOp="Clustered Index Seek"]',$ns).EstimatedTotalSubtreeCost)

$results.GetEnumerator()| export-csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "C:\Temp\Key Test.csv" 

Reverse Engineering

I was left with a CSV full of costing info for a thousand key lookups.

Time for some Excel analysis. (Look Ma, I’m a Data Scientist!) First, I calculated the additional cost of each key lookup. Quick tests confirmed that additional CPU cost was constant, but only IO cost decreased. This makes sense, because as key lookups continue, there’s a chance that the page needed was already pulled into the buffer pool.

Yup, weird results for the second through fourth lookups

The decrease obviously wasn’t linear, so I decided to try an approach from statistics. There’s a class of related problems including buckets and balls, and matching birthdays. In the case of a thousand-page table, the second lookup should occur on a random page with a 999/1000 chance to be different from the first lookup’s page. The third lookup should have 999/1000 chance to be different from the first, and 999/1000 chance to be different from the second, so (999/1000)^2. Generalizing, I’d expect the Nth lookup to have a (999/1000)^(N-1) chance of needing a new page (and thus an IO).

Let’s plug in the formula and see…

Almost…but for some reason, the empirical exponent turned out to be N-2 instead of N-1. I can’t come up with why, but whenever I see weird exponents in statistics the explanation is something something *handwaving* degrees of freedom.

There are still two other quirks. The first is that lookups 2, 3, and 4 don’t follow the pattern – not even close. I have no idea why this is the case. The other quirk shows up when looking at formula versus empirical lookup costs for high lookups.

Marginal IO costs only approximately follow the formula here, with a lot of repeated values. My guess is that doing a heap of math isn’t very efficient when SQL Server is trying to quickly determine a plan, so it uses saved values, approximations, or other tricks.


Anyways, here’s what I learned about Key Lookup costs: the CPU component is always 0.0001581 per lookup. IO costs are capped at 0.003125 times the number of pages in the table. The extra IO cost of the Nth lookup is approximately (see prior caveats) (PageCount-1/PageCount)^(N-2). Or, using my fancy math font program:

fancy program ran out of room to write the part about max page costs…

So there you have it, something about SQL Server with no practical value. Can you believe I spent vacation time doing this? Actually, maybe I can troll some MS folks by saying they got their estimation math wrong. I do believe the people who wrote the estimation (and who are much smarter than I am) had some really good reasons, but hey, why let that get in the way of inflammatory tweeting?

Parse Time vs Compilation Time

I’ve been messing around with long compilations recently, and a question was lingering in the back of my mind, based off of SET STATISTICS TIME ON…

Is there a difference between parse time and compile time? This led me to science time, aka beating up SQL Server and taking its secrets.

First, let’s build a proc that contains a very simple query but a gigabyte of whitespace. Errr, whoops…

Fine, just half a gig of whitespace:

DECLARE @w VARCHAR(MAX) = '        ' --8 spaces

SET @w += @w --2^4
SET @w += @w --2^5
SET @w += @w --2^6
SET @w += @w --2^7
SET @w += @w --2^8
SET @w += @w --2^9
SET @w += @w --2^10 = 1024, 1KB
SET @w += @w --2^11
SET @w += @w --2^12
SET @w += @w --2^13
SET @w += @w --2^14
SET @w += @w --2^15
SET @w += @w --2^16
SET @w += @w --2^17
SET @w += @w --2^18
SET @w += @w --2^19
SET @w += @w --2^20 = 1MB
SET @w += @w --2^21
SET @w += @w --2^22
SET @w += @w --2^23
SET @w += @w --2^24 
SET @w += @w --2^25
SET @w += @w --2^26
SET @w += @w --2^27
SET @w += @w --2^28 
SET @w += @w --2^29 = 512MB
--SET @w += @w --2^30 = 1GB

SELECT TOP(1)'+@w+' *
FROM dbo.Comments


This is enough to prove parse time <> compile time, as they show up with different numbers. STATISTICS TIME captures the full duration.

While the execution plan shows compile time as less. (Also, the Extended Events that show compile time matched the execution plan time.)

sys.query_store_query contains columns related to this, with more than just the execution plan compilation number, but those don’t show the full time either.

In summary, parsing is different from compilation, and consumes CPU that doesn’t show up anywhere except STATISTICS TIME. This would make a server spending all its compute on parsing harder to detect, though I imagine it’s rare. I can’t say it never happens though, because I’ve seen things in production. Seen things.

How to Measure Compilation Impact

Of the many instances I’ve seen, it’s a rather rare scenario, where sustained compiles/recompiles contribute substantially to CPU load. The path from clues to conviction was a long one, so buckle up if you want to follow along – this is a lengthier than average post.

First Signs of a Compilation Problem

I’ve found the real-world issue twice, and it’s been two different sources of information that convinced me to look at compilations. The easiest, of course, is the compilations counter. Most monitoring tools will track it for you, but in case you want to check for yourself, here’s a sampling script:

DECLARE @comp TABLE (counter_name varchar(100), cntr_value bigint)

INSERT @comp
SELECT counter_name, cntr_value
FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE counter_name LIKE '%compila%'

WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30'

SELECT pc.counter_name, (pc.cntr_value-c.cntr_value)/30 AS val_per_sec
FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters pc
JOIN @comp c ON c.counter_name = pc.counter_name
WHERE pc.counter_name LIKE '%compila%'

Another type of clue actually comes from absence. My experience here is from an Azure SQL DB with high CPU but only moderate compilations. However, the top CPU consuming queries were only accounting for a fraction of observed compute. Let me give an example – suppose you have a 4 vCore SQL DB running at around 80% CPU utilization. You’d expect that to be 80% * (available core seconds) = .8*4*3600 = 11520 seconds of CPU time in the last hour. You can check Query Store to get a sense of how much execution compute there is.

You can also query the query store tables directly to find total CPU, but this is left as an exercise for the reader.

Now, the CPU gap could be coming from several sources missed in a cursory analysis, such as single-use plans that Query Store fails to aggregate. But if you’re only finding a fraction of the CPU you expect, there’s something worth investigating.

Of course, I would be remiss in ignoring the plan cache as corroborating evidence. Huge numbers of single-use plans (or duplicate query hashes) are the thing to look for, but it’s not definitive. Some joker may have decided the best approach to parameter sniffing is to plaster OPTION(RECOMPILE) on everything and keep it from being saved in the cache. Yes I’m bitter.

Proving It

Alright – there’s smoke, but is there fire? This is where it gets hard. Here were my real-world scenarios: a 2014 physical server with 5-10 thousand compilations/sec (!) and a 6 vCore SQL DB with a huge amount of missing CPU in Query Store but only(?) about 50 compiles/sec.

Dead End: Query Store

Query Store actually includes some info about compilation in sys.query_store_query. Of course, this wasn’t even an option for the archaic 2014 instance, but on Azure, I tried checking the most recently executed queries and adding up their compilation impact. Unfortunately, this didn’t work – it was orders of magnitude too low. It might have been somewhat due to an AUTO vs ALL capture mode but….it was still a little bit hacky, and the table clearly wasn’t designed for this.

Also, in the case of my Azure SQL DB, the heavy compilation was regularly knocking Query Store into READ ONLY mode, so when I went to find out the problem, there was no recent history. Oops.

XE Struggles

The answer will have to be found with Extended Events, but this is far from trivial. In 2014, there is a *single* event that can capture all compilation CPU, and it’s a chunky one – I mean, we’re talking morbidly obese, mounds of blubber draped over a WalMart scooter chunky: query_post_compilation_showplan.

It’s even one of a handful that MS stapled a warning to: “significant performance overhead.” And of course there’s no way to exclude the query plan from the output, so with each event you could be dealing with huge XML (especially for those complex queries taking a while to compile).

Oh, and the XE description is wrong as well – cpu_time is in milliseconds, not micro.


Azure Efforts

Still, it was the only option available. I went ahead and tried it for the Azure DB since compilations were lower. I didn’t want to wait weeks for approval to set up a storage account, so I just dumped the output into the ring buffer. Oh look, there’s no way to easily view XE output on an Azure SQL DB…

I didn’t want to leave a high-impact XE running, so I just saved the XML into a file, then used PowerShell to parse and aggregate it. It…worked. Mostly. And was painful. Don’t do it this way. It also turned out that the plans were so large that the ring buffer could only hold a couple seconds worth at a time. The data was still enough to prove a very high compilation impact, and let me send likely culprits to a developer buddy.

XE On-Premise

Given my lukewarm success in Azure, I decided to try a similar approach for my on-premise 2014 server, except I would be able to view live data for the XE, so maybe I could push it out to 10+ seconds for a better sample?

I waited until a low activity time, with “just” a couple thousand compiles a second, fired up the XE, and…

SSMS crashed. I tried an even smaller dataset and other tricks, but SSMS just couldn’t handle the sample size needed. I had to find a new approach.

My nemesis was the enormous query plan…if only I could ignore it. My “Aha!” moment came when I realized I could.

The histogram target bucketizes output by a single attribute, so my cheat was to aggregate on cpu_time for a thirty second sample, then math the total CPU spent compiling. For example, if there were 2 queries that took 10s to compile, and 10000 that took 20ms, this would mean that 2*10+10000*.02 = 220s were spent compiling, or 7.3 cores on average in a 30s sample. Here’s the script I came up with. (Special thanks to Kendra Little for the TSQL to query a histogram)

--ADD EVENT sqlserver.query_post_compilation_showplan
--ADD TARGET package0.histogram(SET filtering_event_name=N'sqlserver.query_post_compilation_showplan',slots=(1024),source=N'cpu_time',source_type=(0))


IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#hist') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #hist

STATE = start;  


WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30'

--thanks kendra!
    xed.slot_data.value('(value)[1]', 'int') AS cpu_ms,
    xed.slot_data.value('(@count)[1]', 'int') AS slotcount
INTO #hist
        CAST(xet.target_data AS xml)  as target_data
    FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets AS xet  
    JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions AS xe  
       ON (xe.address = xet.event_session_address)  
    WHERE = 'Comp_hist'
        and target_name='histogram'
    ) as t
CROSS APPLY t.target_data.nodes('//HistogramTarget/Slot') AS xed (slot_data);


STATE = stop;

SELECT SUM(cpu_ms*slotcount)*1.0/DATEDIFF(millisecond,@start,@end) AS [Avg cores compiling]
FROM #hist

The script was an utter success – not only was the overhead minimal, it captured the data I needed to prove that our largest, priciest server was spending 40% of its compute on plan generation.

Happy Ending

My developer contact really ran (sprinted?) with the info from the Azure DB, and fixed the issues behind the biggest compilation offenders (from Entity Framework). Average CPU dropped from 70% to 20%, such that we can scale down and save money. For the on-premise server, the 40% number was enough to convince developers to don their hazmat suits and make changes to the problematic legacy code. I haven’t heard anything back yet, which might be because the legacy code ate them – it’s that bad.

Better Solution?

I’m still not content with my current approach. For one, Azure SQL DB doesn’t allow histogram targets, so it just doesn’t work there. Also, the XE I use is normally high impact, so I’m still wary of using it in a histogram. After some digging, I found a Debug XE (remember, Debug is the type you have to specifically check in SSMS) that looks promising: sql_statement_post_compile. I’m not sure when it was added, but I see it for Azure and 2019, but not 2014. Next time I’m checking Azure, I’ll test that one out instead.

So in summary, use sql_statement_post_compile if you have access to it, use a histogram if you’re not Azure SQL DB, and don’t let EF generate giant IN lists of hardcoded values that take 300ms to compile. Ick, why did I end with something about EF? Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts! WHY EF WHYYYYYYY????!!!!!!

Giant IN Lists of Doom

I like to make fun of both Entity Framework and junior developers for the terrible SQL they often produce. Sometimes, though, there’s the rampaging Godzilla of an ORM written by a junior developer baked into irreplaceable stage 4 legacy code. Guess where I got my inspiration?

Testing Limits

Today’s antipattern is the enormous IN list (or WHERE clause), and the first and obvious (and entertaining) question is, is there a limit to the number of IN values. Thankfully this is easy to test, and the answer is…

Aww dangit I broke SSMS.

paging @SSMSCrashedAgain

Ok let’s try this a different way – the limit answer is…

Kind of. There’s not a hard coded ceiling, but rather, you can run the parser/compiler out of memory. For me the limit is somewhere above a million values.

In the spirit of Hold My Beer demos, I created a proc to do the testing for me:

CREATE OR ALTER PROC dbo.Hardcoded_Doom(@i INT)


		1 Num --(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY 1/0)) AS Num
	FROM dbo.Votes a,
	dbo.Votes b


SET @sql = '
FROM dbo.Votes
WHERE ID IN ('+@InList+')

EXEC sp_executesql @sql


To minimize query size, the IN list is nothing but the value 1 repeated, but there’s something interesting here: SQL Server takes the time to remove duplicates from the IN list. Also, at a certain number of distinct values (65 for me), SQL Server starts separating them into a Constant Scan.

Duplicate removal implies sorting the values, which in turn implies memory consumption.

Literal values aren’t the only way to make IN lists however – I once encountered an EF turd that ran into a system limit by making every single IN list value its own variable. Let’s do that too!

CREATE OR ALTER PROC dbo.Variable_Doom(@i INT)


		1 AS Num
	FROM dbo.Votes a,
	dbo.Votes b


SET @VarList = 'DECLARE '+@VarList + ' INT = 1'

SET @sql = @VarList + N'
FROM dbo.Votes
WHERE ID IN ('+@InVarList+')

EXEC sp_executesql @sql


Compilation Time

Good DBAs will remind you that just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Ignore them, this is science. Another fun side effect of these bad queries is high compilation cost. A simple query against Votes with a 100 value IN list (using distinct values) took 3ms to compile. 1000 distinct values took 39ms and 10000 values 640ms. Interestingly, 10000 identical IN list values took only 115ms to compile. It looks like the number of distinct values affects compilation time.

Large IN lists make already complicated views even worse to compile. sys.tables is actually a complicated view, so let’s demo with it. The below compiles in under 50ms for me:

FROM sys.tables t
JOIN sys.columns c
	ON c.object_id = t.object_id

But add a 1000 value IN list, and compilation is now over 200ms. I’ve seen cases where a really complicated view had an enormous IN list and compilation took 10 minutes. (And took locks that prevented AG redo the whole time)

What happens when half a dozen threads try to run Hardcoded_Doom at the same time? (Special thanks to Adam Machanic’s SQLQueryStress). Compilation contention!

Isn’t science fun?

WHERE Clause of Even More Doom

Giant OR lists? Yeah, we can do those too. Guess what super special failure mode they have? Combining a single OR with another condition.

Instead of a fast thousand seeks, we now have a Filter operator taking a full minute. And yes, I’ve seen this one in production too.


Giant IN lists are a giant wrecking ball of dumb. Let me recount, these are things I’ve broken or seen broken with large IN lists: memory limit, SSMS, variable limit, compilation limit, AG redo, Query Store, plan cache, and query performance. Please teach your developers to use table types and temp tables instead, and for the love of all the SQL Bobs, don’t let them roll their own ORM.

An Empirical Look at Key Lookups

I’m going to presume you’re familiar with what key lookups are, and why they exist.

SQL Server’s cost optimizer hates them, because it thinks they’re random reads from a spinny disk – unlikely for a modern enterprise server. What I’m curious about is just how bad these assumptions are in practice.

The Setup

Here’s the million-row test table I’m going to use, along with fake data. I’m going to be testing on my laptop with a standard SSD, and an intel processor with a variable clock speed (it seems to average a bit below 4GHz for these tests).

CREATE TABLE dbo.InternetRecipes (
Calories INT,
SizeOfIntro INT,
RecipeName NVARCHAR(300)

INSERT dbo.InternetRecipes
SELECT TOP (1000000)
(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY 1/0))%10000+500,
'Paleo Fat Free Cotton Candy'
FROM master..spt_values a,
master..spt_values b

--With includes and not, for testing
CREATE INDEX IX_InternetRecipes_Calories
ON dbo.InternetRecipes(Calories)

CREATE INDEX IX_InternetRecipes_Calories_incl
ON dbo.InternetRecipes(Calories)
INCLUDE (RecipeName)

Time/Cost Comparison

Using an index hint, we can see a direct comparison between a plan with key lookups, and without. The “without” plan makes use of the index that includes RecipeName. Normally this is described as a covering index, but today I’m designating it the “inclusive” index.

--7.7 query bucks
SELECT RecipeName
FROM dbo.InternetRecipes WITH(INDEX(IX_InternetRecipes_Calories_incl))
WHERE Calories >= 0
AND RecipeName = 'Vegan Steak'

--200 query bucks
SELECT RecipeName
FROM dbo.InternetRecipes WITH(INDEX(IX_InternetRecipes_Calories))
WHERE Calories >= 0
AND RecipeName = 'Vegan Steak'

Some interesting details emerge here. First: key lookup cost does not scale linearly.

Working the math backwards shows the cost comes from a million CPU costs, but only 11,495 IO costs. Incidentally, 11,495 is the number of data pages for the table. Key Lookup IO costs are capped at the number of pages in the table, although you’re unlikely to encounter this naturally. Of course, the next thing for me to test was everything in-between, and the experiments showed that the key lookup cost does not assume each will cause an IO.

The exact formula still eludes me though. I think it’s a delightfully nerdy problem that nobody will care about, so I’ll be working on it as soon as possible.

The one million key lookup query is costed about 26X more than the simple seek, and takes about 18X longer to run. The optimizer does a decent job here! Or does it? I was running the test with a warm cache, so what if we ignore IO costs?

--MS will laugh at you if this breaks your server

The optimizer cost ratio balloons to 149X (while actual runtime remains 18X of course). Even though the actual executions involved no IO, the query optimizer including IO costs does a better job.

Let’s fix that IO costing thing…


And test with a cold cache…

CHECKPOINT --if we just created the table/indexes
DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS  --repeat as needed

The execution time ratio is about 15X with IO – not much of a change. If I disable prefetch with 9115 (thanks Paul), the time ratio moves to 17X, and query buck costs stay unchanged. So, the optimizer does a decent job costing between the inclusive index and the key lookup plan, but only when it assumes IO costs.

Tipping Point Testing

Because SQL Server loathes key lookups so much, it will sometimes choose to scan the entire table just to avoid them. In my experience, it does this way too early. Can I prove it?

Let’s remove the inclusive index, and select results into a trash variable for testing.

DROP INDEX IX_InternetRecipes_Calories_incl
ON dbo.InternetRecipes

SELECT RecipeName
FROM dbo.InternetRecipes
WHERE Calories >= 996

I find that the tipping point occurs between Calories values of 996 and 997, which is between 3000 and 4000 rows/lookups.

The full scan plan takes on average 135ms, while the key lookup plan for 4000 rows is only 9ms.

It’s not until Calories value 925, or 75k rows, that the true tipping point occurs, and the key lookup plan takes as long as the scan. Even testing with a cold cache, the tipping point is at 41k rows. So for my laptop with a warm cache, the optimizer switches to a scan at just 4% of the optimum number of rows, or 25X too soon (roughly).

Throughput Testing

What else can we learn about key lookup impact? Let’s cram it in a loop and set spin cycle to ultra high.

First, bring back the inclusive index.

CREATE INDEX IX_InternetRecipes_Calories_incl
ON dbo.InternetRecipes(Calories)
INCLUDE (RecipeName)

Now, the general loop structure:


WHILE @i < 10000

	SELECT TOP(1000) @trash = RecipeName
	FROM dbo.InternetRecipes WITH(INDEX(IX_InternetRecipes_Calories))
	WHERE Calories = 666 --Devil's food cake

	SET @i += 1



Using TOP to limit the number of rows/lookups, I measure how long it takes to run a loop of 10k queries. Here are my averaged numbers:

RowsKey Lookup Time (ms)Inclusive Seek Time (ms)
1k, random21,2841,824

These numbers are specific to my laptop and particular test. Still, what I see is that the impact of key lookups becomes larger the more there are. This makes sense, as there is some overhead per query.

If I assume all extra time in the 1000 row test comes from the lookups, I get a value of about 1.6 microseconds per lookup. To put that in perspective, to occupy an extra core of CPU would take 600,000 lookups/second.

I was curious if using a repeated value took unfair advantage of the CPU cache, so I also tested with randomized “Calories” values, showing minor slowdown. An extra core under these conditions (probably more representative of a production server) would need 514k lookups/s. And a big caveat: all these tests use a single table design, and are run on a personal laptop.


Lookups hurt performance, but probably not as much as you think, and definitely not as much as the optimizer thinks when considering the seek/scan tipping point. If you see a scary cost percentage number by a key lookup, remember that it’s probably junk.

Avoiding Sorts with the $PARTITION Function


I imagine everybody has them – those annoying, bloated, misshapen tables that don’t really belong in the database. I mean, this is an expensive enterprise RDMS supporting a high volume OLTP environment, and a depressingly large portion of the storage (also expensive btw) is dedicated to decade’s worth of nvarchar(max) email attachments.

I know how hard it can be to undo someone else’s decision to treat SQL Server like a landfill, as this usually involves getting others to do something, i.e. politics. But sometimes we DBAs can make a helpful change to these archive tables on our own. And that’s where I found myself, with billions of rows in a neglected heap that couldn’t be moved, but could be turned into a clustered columnstore table for 5X compression.

Setup Script

Here’s the setup script in case you want to follow along for the repro. No billions of rows here, just 10 million.

    AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015',


--Here's a table we're loading
(somedate datetime,
junk char(10)
) ON ps_years(somedate)

CREATE CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX CCX_BunchaDates ON dbo.BunchaDates ON ps_years(somedate)

--Original table, full of junk
CREATE TABLE BunchaDatesSource (
somedate datetime,
junk char(10)

INSERT BunchaDatesSource
SELECT TOP (10000000)
FROM master..spt_values a
,master..spt_values b
,master..spt_values c

The Problem

My plan was to load the data from the heap into the columnstore table, later doing a drop and rename, but I wanted to transfer a limited amount at a time. My environment has an Availability Group set up, so my constraint was minimizing log generation. (If you’re looking for a technique to load a columnstore table as quickly as possible, check out Joe Obbish.) But, when I started loading a limited time range of data, I quickly ran into a problem.

INSERT BunchaDates
SELECT somedate,junk
FROM BunchaDatesSource bs
WHERE YEAR(bs.somedate) = '2014'

A Sort operator shows up! To explain my distaste, the columnstore table doesn’t need it – it is inherently unordered (at least in the way we think about it). Moreover, I am selecting rows guaranteed to reside within a single partition. Yet SQL Server insists on ordering rows, because it very helpfully wants us to avoid the performance penalty of switching between partitions insert-by-insert. Instead I get a slow query, ginormous memory grant, and tempdb spills. Yay!

Ok. You might notice that I used YEAR() in my predicate. What if I use a proper date range instead?

Crud. Ok. Was it the boundary dates? Maybe a narrow date range entirely within the year will work?

Fine. What about an exact time? Pretty please, oh kind and generous Query Optimizer?

The Solution

Looping through all possible times of a datetime time field in order to avoid a sort is very bad way to do things. But thankfully, there’s a better way: $PARTITION.

The $PARTITION function uses your partition function to return which partition a value belongs to, and importantly, it can be used to provide a guarantee to SQL Server that it doesn’t have to insert into multiple partitions, and will therefore prevent a superfluous sort.

INSERT BunchaDates
SELECT somedate,junk
FROM BunchaDatesSource bs
WHERE $PARTITION.pf_years(somedate) = $PARTITION.pf_years('2014')

No Sort! But there’s still room for improvement:

You see, $PARTITION doesn’t qualify for predicate pushdown, and on a query involving billions of rows, that adds up.

But guess what, we can still add the date range, and that does get predicate pushdown.

INSERT BunchaDates
SELECT somedate,junk
FROM BunchaDatesSource bs
WHERE $PARTITION.pf_years(somedate) = $PARTITION.pf_years('2014')
AND bs.somedate >= '2014/1/1' AND bs.somedate < '2015/1/1'


Sometimes, the optimizer misses something, and you have to babysit it. In my case, using $PARTITION allowed me to finish the table load in my time window, eventually freeing up significant space to be used for other questionable data.

The takeaway? $PARTITION lets you guarantee for the optimizer that only a single partition is involved, but you might want to retain your other predicates for predicate pushdown or perhaps index qualification.

Now excuse me while I compose yet another carefully worded email about that email attachment table…