All performance statistics are lies, but some are useful. Yes, just some, and opinions differ about which ones. If you want to start a nerd fight, find a cluster of Senior DBAs at SQL Saturday and tell them how much you love Page Life Expectancy.
As a tuning aficionado, I happen to adore CPU metrics, such as from exec_query_stats and Query Store. They tend to be extremely helpful in finding a server’s worst offending queries. But I see cases where a tiny SELECT hitting a million times had more effect on the server than Query Store CPU stats would suggest.
This makes sense – every query is going to have overhead, such as sending rows to the client, that probably isn’t captured in measurements. But can we prove it, and maybe get a sense of how much is missed?
Let’s create a small query, spam it against a server, and compare what the server says about its CPU to SQL Server’s metrics. Here’s the demo table, and a proc to seek a single row from it (designed in a way that doesn’t actually return any rows).
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.seektest GO CREATE TABLE dbo.seektest ( ID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, junk CHAR(1) ) INSERT dbo.seektest SELECT TOP (5000000) 'a' FROM master.dbo.spt_values a CROSS JOIN master.dbo.spt_values b GO CREATE PROC dbo.SeekTesting1 (@ID int) AS BEGIN DECLARE @b int SELECT @b = ID FROM dbo.SeekTest WHERE ID = @ID END
Now use a script to loop this pointless busy work (I’m channeling my inner junior developer here). We don’t want to use a program on the same server, since that will affect CPU. I’m lucky enough to have another large server available on the same network, where I run this PowerShell script adapted from Merrill Aldrich. (The original link to SQL Blog is dead, but you can find Google’s cached version when searching for “Quick and Dirty PowerShell SQL Server Load Test”)
$numWorkers = 32
$startTime = ( Get-Date ).AddSeconds(20)
$endTime = ( Get-Date ).AddSeconds(30)
$jobscript = {
param( $startTime, $endTime, $conn )
while ( ( Get-Date ) -lt $startTime ) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 }
while ( ( Get-Date ) -lt $endTime ) {
$n = Get-Random -Maximum 5000001;
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "EXEC dbo.SeekTesting1 $n" -Server "YourTestServer" -Database "TestDB";
(1..$numWorkers) | foreach {
Start-Job $jobscript -ArgumentList $startTime,$endTime,$conn
#Run below line for cleanup
#Get-Job | Remove-Job
Launching the script gives me a 10 second window where I see CPU climb from 1% to about 20%. Since my test rig is 48 cores, I calculate this as about 91s of added CPU activity. Then I compare to what exists in dmvs/Query Store.
SELECT st.text, qs.*
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) st
WHERE qs.query_hash = 0x0946FE740B52871B

Both of these show about 5s of CPU for the query – way less than 91s. By the way, you can reset stats/QDS with the below script between runs (you are using a test server, right?)
I pulled up PerfView to see where time was spent, and grabbed a flame graph. The boxed section is the actual query execution, and probably the only part that gets measured in SQL Server. The rest goes to things like parsing, checking security, and sending data. You know, fluff.

I ran multiple tests and variations, such as single threaded execution and adjusting the proc to return data. Queries were consistent in taking an additional ~.2ms of CPU overhead per execution, beyond what dmvs and QDS reported. Additional details for the curious: SQL Server 2016 SP2 Developer, 3.18GHz clock.
I imagine this overhead number is highly dependent on other factors, but it’s good enough for me to start estimating the actual costs of those tiny queries that get repeated a bajillion times. You might know them, the ones where developers loop through a couple hundred thousand values because of EF?
When I do the math, for a 32-core server, a 10% increase in CPU would need 57.6 million executions an hour, or 16k/sec. Generalized, a 10% CPU overhead needs 500 executions/sec/core. Despite a lot of assumptions, I’m happy to have a rule of thumb to start from. I hope you find the estimate useful too, but remember: this counts as a performance stat, and all performance stats are lies.